Monday, October 28, 2013


Have you ever grown your own sprouts? They are packed with nutrition and are very good for you. You can have a constant supply of fresh sprouts right in your kitchen no matter what time of year or weather conditions.

I want to share with you my favorite way to grow sprouts. This is a video from Handy Pantry that shows different methods. I used to grow sprouts in jars, but prefer using trays now. This video is about 14 minutes long. If you want to watch it all, it's very informative, but if you want to skip to the part about the Sprout Garden Trays, it starts at about 9:20 into the video.

how to grow sprouts

The sprout trays are really nice. You get three stackable trays in a package. You can grow three different kinds of sprouts at once, or start seeds daily so that you'll have a constant supply of sprouts available.  You can also buy more trays and have a sprout tower.  I like to grow alfalfa sprouts, but there are so many other seeds to choose from. Right now, I've got a 5 bean salad growing. This is a combination of alfalfa, broccoli, radish, mung bean and green lentils. Crunchy, delicious and nutrient packed. Add to a salad, sandwich or smoothie or eat it all by itself with a spritz of lemon juice if desired.

There are several companies that sell sprout seeds. Sprout House or Sprout People are two places that I'm familiar with. Handy Pantry is a company that I've used for years. They have a variety of organic seeds. I buy my seeds in bulk in cans to store them for the long term. You can also find seeds and growing supplies at your local health food store.

Consider adding sprouting to your indoor garden. You will reap the healthy rewards.

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