Thursday, October 17, 2013

Becoming Independent and a Mindset Change

For most of our 30 years of marriage, my husband and I have tried to have a garden. Each summer we'd plan and till, weed and rake, weed and rake some more, plant our seeds, water the garden and wait. Sometimes we were successful and things would grow. Sometimes we were not so successful. It would rain...a lot...and wash away our garden. Or it would be so hot that everything would burn up no matter how much we watered and we'd give up until the next year. Sound familiar?

If you've been following my blog, you know the story of how Garden Anywhere Box was born. If not, here's my very first blog post explaining how it all began. A Lazy Gardener

One reason that we wanted to have a garden was to grow at least some of our own food. I think that is why we kept trying all of those years instead of just giving up. Growing your own food is an important skill to have. Right now, we are blessed to be able to go to the store and buy what we need to sustain life. We are very blessed!

But... what if that were to change? Is it changing already? Maybe not for you, but it has changed for some people. Fresh vegetables are expensive. Add to that the cost of organic and you are talking major dollars each time you go to the store. What about genetically modified foods? ( GMO's)  If you have not read about GMO's or "Frankenfood" as some people call it, then you should educate yourself. What are you really getting at the store?

Because of the growing unrest and uncertainty in the world, it seems more important than ever to have a garden. The time is now to begin to grow at least some of what you eat and to teach your children how to garden. Growing a garden in a Garden Anywhere Box makes gardening so easy. Believe me. We've tried just about everything. Traditional garden, raised beds, square foot, containers...They all came with their own particular headaches. I'd just about given up on having a garden that produced anything but weeds until I discovered Earth box. It is a container garden with a twist. A cover over the top to keep weeds out and moisture in and a water reservoir in the bottom. You don't over water or underwater. We had good luck the first year growing tomatoes in our Earthbox.

That would have been just fine, except my husband decided to try to make his own boxes and eventually a watering system that watered all of the boxes at once. The watering system is what makes Garden Anywhere Box different than Earthbox and different than any other gardening method out there. We have had great success using this method of gardening. By using our boxes, I believe that gardening can be successful for you, too.

It is important to have the freedom that gardening provides. I have always been into preparedness. I plan for "what if" and "someday". I don't live in fear and I don't hoard food, but I believe that if we are prepared for what may come, we have no need to fear. That is a good feeling.

Garden Anywhere Box can give you peace of mind and help you be prepared for "what if". You can change your mindset from, "I can't garden" or "I have a brown thumb" or " I kill everythingto  "I can grow my own food" and "I can grow something year 'round". It is definitely a change in your mindset of how you see gardening, especially, if you've tried over the years and have not had success. With Garden Anywhere box, I believe you will experience the success that we've had. We are a family-owned company. We are here for the long haul. We want you to succeed and will help you to be successful.

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