Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Water and Other Important Storage Items...

How many of you have been housebound for the last few days? How long could you survive without going to the store?

I've been pondering on the thought of "what if..." for the last few days. I feel pretty good about what we have stored, but realize that I definitely don't have enough "fun" food stored.

I need to work on that.

What do you consider essential storage items?

Another thing that I've been thinking about is water storage. We have blue barrels of water stored in case of an emergency. We have two rain barrels hooked up to the house and hooked up to our watering system which help us to water the boxes and use less water. That is a plus. We also have barrels that we use to store water in case of an emergency.

I've been reading (conspiracy about the state of our water supply. I don't know what to believe. Is our government really selling water to Nestle so that they can bottle it and sell it back to us? Are barges full of water being shipped to China? In some states it is illegal to collect rainwater that falls from the sky onto your property. How long before that will be nation-wide? 

One article that I read stated that to control a population such as the United States, one would only need to control the essential elements for, water and shelter.

Monsanto is doing a pretty good job of trying to control our food supply. That's why it is so important to start NOW to plan how to grow at least some of your own food. 

Another article (coincidentally on the same website as the above article, but I've seen it on other sites) states that under The Clean Water Restoration Act, the EPA is in control of all
navigable waters."  

On the surface, the term, "navigable waters" would seem to provide some measure of protection to the public from invasive EPA enforcement by placing some reasonable limitations on the EPA's regulatory power. Alas, this is proving not to be the case. 

The Clean Water Restoration Act goes far beyoud the original intent of the law which was the protection of waterfowl and the conservation of wetlands. The proverbial fly in the ointment has its roots in the recent movement of the term "navigable waters".

Under the new guidelines, if you use well water, the EPA has jurisdiction over your property and can even forcibly evict you and your family. If it rained overnight, or if you had runoff from a recent snowfall, and there are any resulting puddles on your property, this can result in the loss of the free use of your property. You are subject to eviction from your land if your property resides above an underground aquifer." 


Because I have not been directly affected by this, it's easy to rationalize and think that this could not really happen. People (with guns) would not show up on my doorstep and evict me from my property...would they? It is up to each of us to be aware and do what we can, while we can, to get out houses in order. Conspiracy theory or not, we need to be prepared for whatever the future may bring.

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