Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Grapevine Wreaths and Dolmas

Three years ago we bought some grape plants from Walmart. It sounded fun to try to grow grapes. We planted them in our GABs. The first year we had lots of vines, but no grapes. I'd read that this was normal since it might take a few years for them to produce grapes.

The vines grew like crazy up and over our pergola. In the fall, the leaves turned brown and fell off. I was left with a pergola of vines. I don't know much about pruning, but I decided that I needed to prune back the vines.

I did some research on the internet and decided that I would take a chance and prune. I was left with grape stumps and lots of grape vines. I looked up how to make grape vine wreaths. I learned that the vines bend a lot easier if they are wet, so I carried batches of vines to my bathtub to soften them. Boy, that was a sight. I had to weigh them down with shampoo bottles and other things so that all of the vines would be submerged. But, it worked. They became pliable. Now the fun part...wrangling grape vines into a wreath...

It was a lot easier than I thought. A bit wet and messy, but fun. I felt so creative. Not only had I made my own grape vine wreathes, but I actually grew my own grape vines. How cool was that?!!!

I ended up making quite a few and giving them away as Christmas presents. 

The next year I was excited to grow my own grape vines for wreathes again, but it was not to be Aphids attacked my plants. I had to cut most of them back severely. If only I'd known what I learned this summer about aphids... lemon oil kills them...I could have saved my vines. I harvested enough to make about 4 wreathes, but I was sure hoping for more.

This year, the vines started growing again. I even had a few grapes, but something ate them..sigh...but I still have the vines. They are growing like crazy again...and no aphids.

While I was out walking through my back deck garden, I was looking at the grape leaves and wondering about making stuffed grape leaves or dolma. I looked up a recipe...there are many to choose see what was recommended. I learned that I need to harvest small to medium tender leaves. Some of the leaves are pretty big, but tomorrow, I'll go out and see what I can harvest. It'll be fun trying a new recipe with grape leaves that I grew myself.

Here is a video with step-by-step instructions for making your own stuffed grape leaves.

Here is an article about the nutritional value of grape leaves.

Consider growing grapes in your GAB so that you can experience harvesting your own vines and making your own dolmas.

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