Sunday, April 15, 2012

Not Pretty, but Functional...

This is a picture of rows and rows of Earth boxes. This is from the website: Global Institute Blog. These are boxes that are set up in Haiti to help the people grow their own food.
Just imagine if we could do our part to share Earthbox/Garden Anywhere boxes around the world. Imagine if all of those boxes were connected by tubes to an automatic watering system. It would save water and time in watering all of the boxes. The boxes are not pretty like in a manicured garden, but they are functional. Once you make the initial investment, the boxes should last a long time and provide lots of food for a family or community.
One thing I noticed in the picture is that they do not have the black covering over the boxes. This is an important part of the box system, imho. It keeps weeds out and moisture and a strip of fertilizer in.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed about the plastic over the top and the watering system. I know Earthbox says that if you live in a really warm climate, you should flip the plastic cover they provide from the black side to the wide side. Last year, in Oklahoma, I think we would have qualified as a warm climate. Anyway, the plastic covering is essential for optimum water efficiency/usage. Also, as Letitia mentioned, the watering system that I use would be perfect for the boxes in this picture. They look fairly level. If you can have your boxes level, it works amazingly.
