Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Just a Spoonful of Sugar...

I've been thinking about weeds, especially stickers. Our yard was loaded with them last year and I don't want a repeat of that this year. I decided to do a search to see what I might use to get rid of the stickers before they emerge. I was looking for non-chemical if possible. The answer I found may surprise you.

Sugar! How about that? Weeds (and stickers) tend to grow in less than healthy lawns. (Although, there are some beneficial and edible weeds, but that is a post for another time).
It's no wonder with the drought we've had that we have so many stickers. We haven't watered our yard like we used to.

According to, here are some steps to take to rid your lawn of stickers and other bothersome weeds using sugar.

Step 1

Sugar accelerates activity levels when it is ingested. When the microbes in soil are treated to an excess of sugar, they temporarily over-indulge and the soil they inhabit becomes unusable for a short while. To benefit from this process, spread raw sugar around the base of a weed or small areas of weeds that you want to kill. Allow three to five days before planting in the area (particularly after two to three waterings).

Step 2

Add chili pepper to the sugar mixture if you are concerned about attracting unwanted insects or other visitors. The chili pepper will deter most pests.

Step 3

Add corn meal to your soil once the weeds are dead. Corn meal has a pre-emergent chemical that prevents new weed seeds from emerging. 

Here is a really interesting article on the benefits of using sugar to prevent weeds.
Now I'm wondering if sugar kills weeds, what is it doing to my insides?!!!

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