Friday, December 30, 2011

Gardener, Gardener...a poem about gardening...

*My son said that I should put a disclaimer on the name of our "company". Since you can not literally garden "anywhere", I thought I'd expand on this concept. What we mean by gardening anywhere is that you are not limited to tilling a big garden spot each year, planting your seeds, watching them wash away in a big spring rain, planting again and having your plants burn up in the (too) hot sun or lose the battle to the weeds.

What you can do is have greater control over your gardening area. You can grow on an apartment patio or balcony, on your back deck or  from a wheel chair. I think that you could even garden in an RV or a boat as long as you had access to fresh water. You can garden anywhere that you can fit a container or two. I am reminded of the Dr. Seuss book, "Green Eggs and Ham." I'd like to eventually write this as a book with illustrations to include with the Grow Boxes and watering system.

Gardener, gardener
Help me please.
I'm really craving carrots and peas,
and broccoli and brussel sprouts.
My body needs this. There's no doubt.
But the cost keeps going higher.
I need to be my own supplier.
There’s just one problem that I see.
Gardening is not for me.
I do not like to dig and rake.
I do not like my back to ache.
I do not like to pull the weeds.
I do not like to lose my seeds.
Gardening, gardening, this can't be.
Grow my own veggies? Please help me.
Would you garden in a box?
Would you garden in your socks?
Would you garden in the sky?
Would you garden way up high?
Would you garden in a chair?
Would you garden anywhere?
I could not garden in a box.
I could not garden in my socks.
I could not garden in the sky.
I could not garden way up high.
I could not garden in a chair.
I could not garden anywhere.
I really don't think that I could.
I have no room and that's no good.
But you can garden in a box.
And you can garden in your socks.
You can garden in the sky.
You can garden way up high.
You can garden in a chair.
You can garden anywhere.
If it was easy, then would you?
If it was easy, I'd grow two.
You can do it.
I'll show you how.
Show me, show me,
Show me how.
Show me, show me,
Show me now.

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