It's been a wild summer. We've harvested lots of veggies and learned a lot along the way.
I started taking a daily picture of my garden harvest back in June. I thought it would be fun to take a daily picture of what I was harvesting to share with you and hopefully motivate others to grow a garden. If I can grow a garden, anyone can grow a garden. I have been taking a daily picture for over three months now. If you go back through my FB page, you will see the daily pictures. I made a few picture collages of my daily pics. I still can't believe that some of these pictures came out so good. I used my Iphone, existing light and the veggies, of course.
Growing a garden in a Garden Anywhere Box is so easy! I'm finally starting to LOVE gardening. Larry and I have had a garden in some form or another for the past (almost) 30 years. I never loved it. I tolerated it because I wanted to grow my own veggies, but I never loved it.
It was always variations of the same story...
We'd start a garden as soon as the weather would allow. Tilling, raking, weeding, more raking, more weeding, lining up the rows, painstakingly planting our little seeds...
Only to have our garden 1.) Wash away with the first rain. 2.) Burn up in the summer sun due to over watering or underwatering, bugs and heat.
By July we had harvested a little, but the weeds had usually taken over. Even if they hadn't, it was too HOT to go outside and work (WORK) in the garden. Let's face it, a garden is a lot of work. Some people love gardening. They love the process and they love the work. I am not one of those people. I really don't mind working in a garden. You work. You get veggies. But, the heat...I just don't tolerate the heat like I used to.
Enter Earthbox. I posted about how we started gardening in Earthboxes at the beginning of my blog. We bought six boxes and then added another four after we had good success the first year. Then Larry wanted to try to make his own gardening box. That is how Garden Anywhere Box was born.
Larry works in the telecom industry. He has to travel for his job. Over the last few years, he temporarily lived in California, Illinois and Texas. Every weekend when he didn't come home, he'd work on his box design until he felt that it was perfect. Each person that he stayed with got free boxes. Little did they know that they were witnessing history. :)
Now we have over 40 boxes of Larry's efforts to make the perfect box. This is how the watering system was born. I was watering about 20 boxes by hand a couple of years ago. I asked Larry if there was an easier way to water. He set out to figure out a way.
The difference between our boxes and Earth box or any other container garden system is our Garden Anywhere Box Watering System. The watering system is hooked up to your outside faucet and/or a rainbarrel and the boxes. The boxes are hooked together by tubes (like boxcars) and watered automatically. These truly is a self-watering gardening system. You can go away on vacation and your garden will be watered for you.
Larry even retrofitted our Earthboxes to be able to be watered with our system.
We believe that our boxes will change the way people view gardening. There is no weeding. The black plastic on top of each box keeps the weeds out and the moisture in. The only evaporation is through the plants. Garden Anywhere Box uses about 70% less water. There is no wasted water. That is important today with water conservation being on the minds of the people. The boxes are also portable, unlike raised beds or square foot gardening that stay put in the yard. If you move, you take your garden with you.
You can also add boxes to your garden each year and make your garden as big as you want. We have over 50 boxes including our Earthboxes. We will never go back to gardening in the ground.
We see Garden Anywhere Box as the answer to gardening around the world. People who live in apartments can grow a garden. People who have poor soil or no dirt at all can grow a garden. We can see Garden Anywhere Box in schools, restaurants and senior centers. Now is the time to grow your own food and we humbly believe that Garden Anywhere Box is the solution.!/GardenAnywhereBox